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31st European Safety and Reliability Conference | 19-23 September 2021, Angers, France

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Each abstract (and paper) will be evaluated for acceptance by peer reviewers. As customary, paid registration to the Conference is mandatory for abstract/paper acceptance (one registration per paper).

Proposals for Special Sessions on complementary opening topics to the conference are welcome.

Accepted papers will be published in open access conference proceedings by Research Publishing Services, Singapore, and be indexed.

An hybridation of the conference organization combining presence and virtual presentations will be proposed according to the evolution of public health rules related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now, you are invited to first choose between "Full-paper" or "Abstract-only" option. Second, download the templates for your final full-paper or one-page abstract available on the Author's Area page. Third, submit on your Easychair author's account.


Important submission dates:

  • December, 1st 2020: Opening for invited special session proposals
  • December, 31st 2020 January, 15th 2021: Submission deadline for invited special session proposals
  • January, 15th 2021 February, 15th 2021: Abstract submission deadline for regular papers and special session's papers
  • March, 30th 2021 April, 23rd 2021: Full-paper or Abstract-only submission deadline for regular papers and special session's papers

Methodology areas

  • Accelerated Life Testing
  • Accident and Incident Modeling
  • Asset management
  • Economic Analysis in Risk Management
  • Foundational Issues in Risk Assessment and Management
  • Human Factors and Human Reliability
  • Innovative Computing Technologies in Reliability and Safety
  • Maintenance Modeling and Applications
  • Mathematical Methods in Reliability and Safety
  • Mechanical and Structural Reliability
  • Organizational Factors and Safety Culture
  • Prognostics and System Health Management
  • Resilience Engineering
  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk Management
  • Risk Scenario
  • Software Reliability
  • Structural Reliability
  • System Reliability
  • Uncertainty Analysis

Application Areas

  • Aeronautics and Aerospace
  • Automotive Industry
  • Autonomous Driving Safety
  • Chemical and Process Industry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Critical Infrastructures
  • Cyber Physical Systems
  • Energy
  • Healthcare and Medical Industry
  • Information Technology and Telecommunications
  • Land Transportation
  • Manufacturing
  • Maritime and Offshore Technology
  • Natural Hazards
  • Nuclear Industry
  • Occupational Safety
  • Oil and Gas Industry
  • Renewable Energy Industry
  • Railway Industry
  • Security
  • Smart Cities and Systems
  • Socio-Technical-Economic Systems
  • Supply Chains Management
  • Water Transportation Systems
  • Web Systems